Thursday 10 February 2011

Times when I hang my head in shame

Sometimes you admire a public figure that goes off and does something stupid that isn't admirable. At all.

Tony Blair could be one such public figure. I think we all liked him. Until, of course, he lied at the British people and the rest of us about the wrong reasons to invade Iraq. And, you know, everything else thereafter. But women were fond of him, I hear.

Or Naomi Campbell and her “No Furs” agenda, while it lasted. And what was she doing opening her hotel door at 3 a.m. to accept blood diamonds from an aide of Charles Taylor?

James Brown with 8 arrests and 3 convictions.

Michael Jackson. Nuff' said.

Songwriter Neil Young, who first defended President Bush and gave him credit for “sticking to his vision of how to lead America.” Then, some years later, rescinding his support with the unambiguously titled song "Let's Impeach the President."

Billy Bob Thornton, who besides being a great actor may also be a great singer/performer, but while on tour in Canada, gave a stampede of ill-mannerism in a live interview on CBC radio. Among other discourteous things he said was that Canadian audiences were like “mashed potatoes without the gravy."

For me it's Janine Turner. She is one of those stars that for a glimpse of a moment I might have fallen in love with. Janine Turner starred in the television series “Northern Exposure” which aired in the early 90s. It's a great series in which she plays an Alaskan bush pilot and ex-girlfriend of various oddly deceased lovers (one died during a picnic, another was hit by a satellite plunging out of orbit), mostly irritated by her love-hate relationship for the protagonist, Joel Fleischman. I'm quite addicted to the series at the moment, I must confess.

Until I found out Janine Turner was a tea-partyist and fervent supporter of Sarah Palin. Helllo!??!?! My first reaction was denial of course, it isn't true. But it's true. She is. That woman is absolutely nutty. What happened to her? I thought she and I were of kindred spirits.

How can anybody support Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin believes the world is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs were around then. And let's not mention the macabre gun crosshairs on her website.

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